Blog > Your Business or Your Life

Your Business or Your Life

Is it automatically assumed that you should design your business to scale?

If we define scalability as your business’s ability to handle larger volumes (of revenue & people you can reach) without a dramatic increase in investment or being hampered by capacity limitations, then yes…from a commercial point of view, why wouldn’t you.

We, however, hold a holistic view of business, always considering commercial decisions in the broader context of the business owner’s personal goals and ambitions and the ripple effects of their choices.

This is the power of the Florescence blueprinting process. It ensures the business is designed as a true manifestation of the highest goals, values and the core purpose of the founder and enterprise itself. Decisions around whether to scale and more importantly ‘how’ to scale are therefore always taking your lifestyle goals and the implications for the ecosystem in which you operate into consideration.

Once you are clear about what you want for your life, such as how you want to be spending your time and the contribution you wish to make, you can design a business that meets these needs. 

And then you are ready to scale baby scale! Shoot for the stars. This is where the fun starts…

Placing a scalability lens over your business is a truly exciting creative exercise. With an open mind and innovative approach you will find creative ways to deliver more value to more people without compromising your bottom line and more importantly yourself.

Design a business on your terms. A business by design.